vendredi 20 avril 2012

Earth Day

Let me start off by saying, "Happy Earth Day". I know that it's not today, but whatever. It's really upsetting to see the state of the global environment these days: intense summers, non-existent winters, numerous tornadoes, other crazy storms, the list goes on. I hope more of us will do our part to decrease our carbon footprints when possible.

I know it can seem challenging to be greener, but it doesn't have to be. Just start with small changes such as turning off the lights if you know you'll be leaving a room for an extended period of time; timing showers to use less water and electricity; buying economy-size hair and body products (yes, you'll shell out more initially, but you save a lot more in the long run); oh, and the most obvious: recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal as often as possible.

I've been in a number of work environments where recycling was just not an option. I felt so horrible throwing items in the garbage bin. I mean, think about it. The global population has exploded. As populations expand, more resources get used. Nothing lasts forever, and eventually resources will run out. If we can all do our parts to decrease the amounts of waste we create, then at least we can extend the availability of our resources a little longer.

Now, I'm not perfect about my carbon footprint. I admit that I do not always buy natural body or hair products, nor natural cosmetics. I might leave my computer running all day too, amongst commiting some other environmental errors. Like i've said though: start with small steps. Old habits die hard, so it's going to take some effort. What are some ways that you try to reduce your carbon footprint?


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